Businesses need business insurance to protect against potential losses due to a wide range of risks. These risks can include property damage, theft, liability, medical costs, and other unexpected events.
Businesses that operate without proper business insurance coverage may find themselves liable for expenses associated with any losses they incur, which could lead to financial hardship or even bankruptcy. Business insurance can help give peace of mind knowing that in the event of an unforeseen event your business is covered.
General liability insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides coverage for businesses against a wide range of risks, this type of policy typically covers losses from property damage, public liability, and personal injury. General liability insurance is the most company policy for a business to get, and relatively at great rates.

A business owners policy (BOP) is a package policy that provides general liability insurance, property insurance, and other coverages related to the everyday operations of a business. It is typically considered the most cost-effective way to purchase business insurance coverage specifically for medium to small sized businesses.
Commercial property insurance is a type of insurance policy designed to provide coverage for businesses against losses associated with property damage. This type of policy typically covers costs related to repair or replacement if damages to the business property due to fire, theft, vandalism, or other unexpected events. Commercial property insurance can provide businesses with the peace of mind knowing that their property is protected int the event of an unforeseen event.

Professional liability insurance is a type of insurance policy designed to provide coverage for professionals against losses associated with mistakes if omissions in their professional advice or services. This type of policy typically provides coverage for costs related to errors and omissions, libel slander, and other unforeseen events. Professional liability insurance is important for any professional providing advice or services, as it can help to protect them from potential financial loss in the event of an unforeseen event.
Errors and Omissions insurance (E&O), a form of professional liability insurance, is designed to protect employees and employers against clients' claims of negligence or inadequate work. E&O policies usually cover legal costs associated with the claim and most or all of the ensuing settlement, though a policy may not cover the entire settlement if the amount exceeds the limit specified in the insurance contract. In many industries, lawsuits happen whether the associated claims are legitimate or not.

Workers' compensation is a type of insurance policy designed to provide coverage for employees in the event of workplace injury or illness. This type of policy typically covers medical costs, lost wages, and other expenses associated with an employee's injury or illness. in many countries, workers compensation is mandatory in order to comply with local labor laws, but it can also help protect businesses from potential losses due to on-the-job injuries.